There are several ways to Deposit crypto to your Backpack Exchange account.
Deposit via Backpack Wallet
2) Choose the cryptocurrency you wish to Deposit
Search for the token if you don't see it in list.
Note: Tokens must be on the Solana network for Backpack Wallet Deposits
3) Select 'Deposit from Wallet'
4) Enter the appropriate Wallet selections and Deposit amount. Select the 'Next' button.
5) Review the transaction details and select the 'Deposit' button.
6) Approve the transaction
Deposit via Exchange wallet address
2) Choose the cryptocurrency you wish to Deposit
Search for the token if you don't see it in list.
3) Copy the wallet address
Deposit via subaccounts
2) Choose the cryptocurrency you wish to Deposit
Search for the token if you don't see it in list.
3) Select 'Your wallets' button, open the Subaccounts tab and choose the wallet.
4) Enter Deposit amount and select 'Next' button
5) Select 'Deposit' button