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Change Backpack Exchange account email

Change Backpack Exchange account email

At Backpack Exchange, safeguarding your account security is our top priority.

If you wish to change the email associated with your account, we have a stringent identity verification process in place to ensure the protection of your information.

It typically takes ~48 hours to complete a reset.

How to change email address for Backpack Exchange

To proceed with the email change request, please submit the following information to support@backpack.exchange:

  1. Selfie with ID Document:
    • Take a clear, recent selfie holding (1) your valid government-issued photo identification document (e.g., driver's license, passport, or ID card) and (2) a note that states "Backpack Account Change" and todays date. Ensure both your face and the document are visible.
  2. Full Name and Address Confirmation:
    • Provide the full name and address currently associated with your Backpack Exchange account.
  3. Source of Income:
    • Share details regarding your primary source of income or occupation for verification purposes.
  4. Transaction Details: Furnish as many specific details of all transaction and trades within your account as possible, including without limitation.
    • Date of the transaction
    • Name of the asset involved
    • Quantity of the asset transacted
    • Transaction hash or identification number

Process Overview

Upon receiving the requested information, our team will initiate a 48-hour hold on your account. This hold period allows us to verify the provided details thoroughly and ensure the security of your account.

Once the information is verified and the hold period expires, we will proceed with processing the email change request associated with your Backpack Exchange account.

Contact Customer Support

Should you have any questions or need further clarification regarding the email change process, please reach out to our customer support team at support@backpack.exchange. We are available to assist you throughout this process and ensure a smooth experience.

At Backpack Exchange, we are committed to maintaining the security and integrity of your account. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to enhance your account security.

Do you have questions or require further information?

Click the red Live Chat button in the lower right of your screen or contact us via email at: support@backpack.exchange

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