How to create a Backpack Wallet (Browser Extension)


The Backpack Wallet is a secure all-in-one crypto wallet that supports SVM & EVM tokens, token swaps, NFT management and xNFT dApps.

Download the Backpack Wallet browser extension here.

Download the Backpack browser extension

1) Download the Backpack extension from the Chrome Web Store.

  • Search 'Backpack' in the Chrome Web Store or follow this secure link to the download page.

  • Select the 'Add to Chrome (or Brave)' button.

2) Open the Extensions menu for your browser and pin the Backpack Wallet icon.

3) Access your Wallet by clicking the red Backpack icon in the browser bar.

Create a new account and claim your username

1) Select the 'Create a new wallet' button

2) Read and acknowledge the Secret Recovery Phrase Warning, select 'Next' button

3) Record the Secret Recovery Phrase in a secure location, acknowledge save and select 'Next' button

4) Choose the blockchain network

Note: You can add a network to the Wallet after creating initial Account.

5) Name your Account and select the Next or Skip buttons

5) Pin the Backpack Extension and begin using Backpack Wallet!

Do you have questions or require further information?

Please reach out to us at: