Identity Verification

Individual and institutional KYC processes
Individual Account Identity Verification Requirements
To comply with anti-money laundering, sanctions and related laws and regulations, we at Backpack Exchange need to know our clients a bit better. This...
How To Verify Individual Account Identity
Please read through the requirements based on your country of residence to understand the necessary steps you need to take. Learn more about KYC Ver...
Institutional Account Identity Verification
To ensure the integrity and security of our platform, all institutional customers seeking to trade on Backpack Exchange must complete our Know Your Cu...
How To Verify Institutional/Business Account Identity
This guide provides a detailed overview of the required documentation for institutional KYC verification. To ensure the integrity and security of our ...
Proof Of Address Submission Guidelines
For the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, a Proof of Address (PoA) document is required by Sumsub to verify your residential address. This is a crucia...
United States: Supported States
In the United States, Backpack Exchange is currently only available to residents of the following states and territories: California Colorado Indiana ...
Risk Summary for United Kingdom Users
Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Due to the potential for losses, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) considers this investment to be high risk. Wh...