Exchange & Trading

What does KYC mean?
The first requirements were established with United States regulation during the 1970s and have expanded on a global scale ever since. These regulatio...
In this article you will learn common words and phrases used in the cryptocurrency as well as terms specific to the Backpack Exchange. Address: A uniq...
What is Ethereum?
Welcome to the beginners guide to Ethereum, one of the world’s most popular cryptocurrencies. Here we’ll cover how to buy Ethereum on Backpack, how it...
Market Orders
In this article you will learn about what a Market Order is and examples of how Market Orders work. A market order is a type of order that is intended...
What is cryptocurrency?
The name cryptocurrency comes from cryptographic protections that verify the legitimacy of the assets and ensures secure transactions. The blockchain...
Market Order vs. Limit Order
In this article you will learn the difference Market Orders and Limit Orders. When it comes to trading on an exchange, investors have the option of us...
How cryptocurrencies work: Blockchain, Decentralization, and Cryptography
Welcome to the world of cryptocurrencies! If you're navigating through Backpack for the first time, you might be curious about what exactly cryptocurr...
What is Drift Protocol and the $DRIFT crypto token?
Drift is one of the oldest DeFi projects on the Solana blockchain . The powerful DEX launched as a simple crypto trading platform in August 2021 . ...
What is a CEX?
Crypto exchanges are platforms that facilitate buying and trading of crypto, token staking and swaps as well as trading services. Once users are verif...
Limit Orders
In this article you will learn what a Limit Article is and examples of how Limit Orders work. A limit order is a trading instruction that allows an in...
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the most well known and the first broadly adopted digital currency in the world. From its mysterious inceptions through its rise to global ...
What Is Proof of Reserves and How it Works on Backpack
PoR embodies crypto’s “Don’t trust, verify” ethos : Transparent crypto exchanges use PoR to show that they are responsibly safeguarding users’ funds. ...