What is $HABIBI (حبيبي)? Token details for new Backpack Listing


HABIBI is the first cryptocurrency token built for Sheikhs on Solana.

Spot trading for HABIBI/USDC opens on the Backpack Exchange at 8AM UTC, June 7th, 2024.

  • Ticker: $HABIBI

  • Circulating Supply: 983,471,074

  • Max Supply: 1,000,000,000

Buy HABIBI on Backpack Exchange.

The Arab narrative is kicking off, and $HABIBI was and always will be at the forefront.

Let the games begin.

Habibi (حبيبي)

HABIBI is considered an Experimental Asset

Backpack recently introduced Experimental listings for memecoins, low liquidity tokens and emerging assets.

This innovation allows traders to gain access to emerging crypto assets in a closely monitored environment.

  • Experimental assets are new and emerging assets that are closely monitored by our team and may be removed if not meeting standards

  • Experimental assets added to the Exchange go through same quality check process as others and are monitored even more closely.

View more information about Experimental Listings and FAQs here.

Risk warning: Trading digital assets involves significant risk and may result in the loss of your invested capital. You should ensure that you fully understand the risks involved and take into consideration your level of experience in investment, and seek independent financial advice if necessary.

How to buy HABIBI?

  1. Create an account or login to the Backpack Exchange.

    • Navigate to the HABIBI trading page

    • Enter the amount of HABIBI you wish to purchase and select the Buy SHFL button.

    • Navigate to Portfolio to see your balances.

  2. Login to your Backpack Exchange account via mobile app.

    1. Navigate to the HABIBI trading page

    2. Enter the amount of HABIBI you wish to purchase and select the Buy SHFL button.

    3. Navigate to Portfolio to see your balances.

Buy HABIBI on Backpack Exchange.

What is HABIBI?

HABIBI is the latest Solana memecoin to take flight in the crypto ecosystem joining the ranks of WIF and MEW.

Yallah Habibi

See you in Dubai


HABIBI has embraced meme culture and their timeline is dominated by user created content.

Buy HABIBI on Backpack Exchange.

The HABIBI team hails the token as the first Arab cryptocurrency and their latest marketing campaign targeted the Mad Lads.

HABIBI launched three months ago and has amassed a $36M market cap (at the time of writing this article).

What is a memecoin?

Memecoins are highly volatile cryptocurrencies whose popularity is typically driven by advanced crypto traders.

Solana makes it easy for non-developers to launch token projects and this has led to the rise of Solana Memecoin Season.

BODEN, BOME, BONK, MEW, MOTHER IGGY and HABIBI are all examples of Solana memecoins.

Trade memecoins on Backpack Exchange.

For any inquiries, please contact support@backpack.exchange

Backpack Exchange

June 7 2024

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