What is BLUR? Blur NFT Marketplace token listed on Backpack Exchange


BLUR is an ERC20 token which was issued by the Blur NFT marketplace in one of the largest airdrops in Ethereum's history.

Spot trading for BLUR/USDC opens on the Backpack Exchange at 8AM UTC, May 29th, 2024.

Buy BLUR on Backpack Exchange.

What is BLUR?

BLUR is an ERC20 token which was issued by the Blur NFT marketplace in one of the largest airdrops in Ethereum's history.

  • Ticker: BLUR

  • Circulating Supply: 1,622,727,708

  • Max Supply: 3,000,000,000

Buy BLUR on Backpack Exchange.

BLUR is used primarily as a governance token for the Blur platform, holders delegate the tokens to vote on community proposals.

BLUR trading is healthy across Ethereum exchanges with millions of volume per hour.

What is the Blur Marketplace?

Blur is an Ethereum-based NFT marketplace where users trade JPEGs directly between each other.

Users are greeted with an advanced set of tools designed to enhance the trading experience.

Blur expanded services with Blend, their perpetual lending protocol centered on using NFTs as collateral for loans.

Users leverage their NFTs in return for various Ethereum tokens (including BLUR) at a competitive lending rate.

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Backpack Exchange

May 29 2024